completeness check中文什么意思

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  1. A process used to determine if data are inaccurate , incomplete , or unreasonable . note : data validation may include format checks , completeness checks , check key tests , reasonableness checks and limit checks
  2. A viewpoint may also include : any consistency or completeness checks associated with the underlying method to be applied to models within the view ; any evaluation or analysis techniques to be applied to models within the view ; and any heuristics , patterns or other guidelines with aid in the synthesis of an assciated view or its models


  1. completementary inhibition 什么意思
  2. completemodulation 什么意思
  3. completemultiplicative lattice 什么意思
  4. completene 什么意思
  5. completeness 什么意思
  6. completeness condition 什么意思
  7. completeness error 什么意思
  8. completeness errors 什么意思
  9. completeness knock-down 什么意思
  10. completeness of a model 什么意思


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